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How To Slow Down Skin Aging? Good Habits Will Help You Stay Young

How To Slow Down Skin Aging? Good Habits Will Help You Stay Young

Govind Geek931 21-Jun-2021

Examining 10 years younger than your age is real!

Who has never dreamed of reversing the aging process, preserving youth and beauty at least once? We are sure that almost everyone. Skin is one of the main indicators of aging, therefore, experts strongly recommend paying special attention to its condition.

But no matter what we do, it is still impossible to stop the change in cells. But to slow down this process and slightly prolong youth is quite real. If you want to calculate your age then you can calculate it with an age calculator.

What does ageing depend on?

Each person has a chronological age and a biological one. They are far from the same thing! While the former reflects the time you have actually lived, the latter is an indicator of well-being, healthy appearance and energy.

Nutritionist, nutritionist and clinical psychologist Anna Berseneva believes that it is the biological age that we are able to correct.

Anna: In many ways, of course, the aging process depends on genetics, but even more depends on us. Aging is influenced by factors such as diet, lifestyle, stress, ecology and others. We are able to change many of them for the better! Chronological age does not take into account all of these external factors.

If it reflects the passage of time, then biological age reflects what is happening inside. It is the most reliable symbol of overall well-being. Biological age is how our tissues, organs and systems age and how much their state corresponds to chronological age.

Biological and chronological ages can differ significantly from each other, and these differences can be expressed even in more than one decade, both in a smaller and a larger direction.

The condition of our skin also depends on biological age. We are talking about those rules and habits that will help prolong her youth.

Changing the way of life:

Smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, disturbed daily routine - all this has a huge impact not only on overall well-being but also on the condition of the skin. Nicotine dehydrates it, and in a smoker, it becomes dry and irritable.

Alcohol does the same: because of them, the skin loses a large amount of fluid, and constant lack of sleep can affect its tone and pore size. Therefore, the first and most important rule is to radically change the way of life, namely to give up all bad habits. These include overeating. Also, do not eat the food right before bed.

If you are not used to doing physical exercise every day, then you should start doing it. Sport has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. During physical activity, it becomes more elastic, so fine wrinkles are smoothed out. Of course, you should not be zealous, as overload can be stressful.

Drink plenty of fluids:

We often hear the opinion: in order to lose weight and improve the condition of the body, you need to drink more water. This is, of course, true. It is also one of the most effective ways to moisturize your skin.

Doctors recommend drinking up to two litres of water a day. If you are not allergic to citrus fruits, you can add a little lemon juice to them.

And yet, the nutritionist warns that you do not need to abuse the liquid. Each person has an individual drinking regimen. You require to absorb as much water as your body wants.

Anna: Drinking too much water also has negative consequences. First of all, a large amount of it puts a lot of stress on the kidneys, as a result of which they cannot cope with filtration.

This situation often occurs in athletes who drink a lot of water during and after training, which can lead to hypotonic overhydration. Consequence - the concentration of sodium falls, complications arise in the work of the cardiovascular and muscular systems.

Thus, you absolutely do not need to pour water into yourself in litres at a time. It is better to drink calmly, gradually. As, in fact, it is.

We moisturize the skin with a cream every day.

We talked about moisturizing the skin from the inside out. Now let's figure out which cosmetics will help moisturize the outside. First of all, of course, creams.

They are different for each skin type, so the right choice should be approached with special care. If a product is chosen incorrectly (for example, if you have dry skin and will use the product for combination or oily), then it can do more harm than good. There are also creams with a high content of vitamins and collagen, but all of them, again, are selected individually.

Experts recommend moisturizing the skin 1-2 times a day, after clearing it of impurities. Very dry skin should be moisturized more often, depending on the needs. Don't forget about sunscreens, which not only help protect you from direct sunlight but also slow down photoaging with regular use. This was proved by researchers from the University of Queensland in Australia.

We monitor nutrition:

It's no secret that everyone's favourite junk food has a bad effect on the condition of the skin. High-calorie meals and fast foods cause itching, irritation, and acne, and excessive use causes swelling and pigmentation.

It is advisable to eat less sugar and salt. The latter is able to retain water in the body, which also leads to the appearance of oedema.

The daily diet should include vegetables, fruits, healthy food additives. It is better to have a balanced diet consisting of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. By the way, it is healthy fats that help slow down skin ageing. Also, do not forget about vitamins A and E. They can be found in products or bought at a pharmacy, before that, be sure to consult your doctor.

Our specialist believes that proper nutrition can really improve the condition of the skin. Several vitamins and nutrients will help prolong youth and eliminate deficiencies.

  • Chlorophyll: It is found in green vegetables and helps prevent acne and the breakdown of collagen, a protein that keeps skin firm and elastic.
  • Vitamin C: Is a binding component for amino acids, which are required for the formation of proline and then collagen. Protects against environmental toxins.
  • Lycopene: This substance, found in tomatoes, protects the skin from the sun's rays.
  • Ellagic acid: This is necessary for the body to prevent the breakdown of collagen by UV rays and to optimize metabolism. They are rich in berries: raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, cranberries.
  • Zinc: Its products slow down the rate of protein breakdown and help speed up the healing process, which is very important for healthy skin.

I'm trying to be less nervous:

The connection between the condition of the skin and the nervous system is very interesting. Long-term experiences and stresses immediately manifest themselves on the human skin.

These can be both dermatological diseases and signs of ageing. Stress impairs the skin's ability to repair and affects its elastin and collagen content. Because of this, wrinkles may appear on the face.

It is advisable to develop a habit - to devote a few minutes a day to the health of the nervous system. It can be simple breathing exercises, meditation, yoga. The nervous system is favourably influenced by rest with family or friends, doing what you love, walking in the fresh air.

If you try to maintain peace of mind, you can not only preserve beauty and youth for a long time but also prevent the development of many diseases.

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